Bushcraft heavy rain with warm shelters, sharpening martial arts, hunting fish wearing spears

Описание к видео Bushcraft heavy rain with warm shelters, sharpening martial arts, hunting fish wearing spears

Hi guys...
Welcome to Eagle Bushcraft
Welcome to the Southern Sulawesi Rainforest, Indonesia.
The name Sulawesi is thought to have come from the words in the languages ​​of Central Sulawesi, namely the word sula which means nusa (island) and the word mesi which means iron (metal), which may refer to the practice of trading iron ore produced by the mines around the lake. Matano, near Sorowako, East Luwu. Meanwhile, the Portuguese who came around the 14th-15th centuries AD were the first foreign nations to use the name Celebes to refer to the island of Sulawesi as a whole.
Sulawesi formerly known as Celebes is an island in Indonesia. Sulawesi is one of the four Greater Sunda Islands and is the 11th largest island in the world. Sulawesi Island is located east of Kalimantan, west of the Maluku Islands, and south of Mindanao and the Sulu Islands, Philippines. In Indonesia, only the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua are larger in area and only the islands of Java and Sumatra have more populations than Sulawesi.
The landscape in Sulawesi includes four peninsulas, namely the North Peninsula, East Peninsula, South Peninsula, and Southeast Peninsula. There are three bays that separate these peninsulas, namely Tomini Bay (Gorontalo Bay) which stretches in the southern waters of the Minahasa Peninsula, Gorontalo Peninsula, and Tomini Peninsula (Tomini Bocht), Tolo Bay between the East and Southeast Peninsula, and Bone Bay. between the Southern and Southeastern Peninsulas. The Makassar Strait runs along the west side of the island and separates the island from Borneo. In addition, Sulawesi is also located between the confluence of three plates, namely the Eurasian Plate, the Indo-Australian Plate, and the Pacific Plate. This causes Sulawesi to have a very complex tectonic structure.
This island belongs to the area known as Wallacea, which contains a unique fauna that is a mix of Asian and Australasia species. A fruit-eating pig with large tusks, a dwarf buffalo, an endemic macaque, and a cuscus represent a unique mammal community. Sulawesi, located in the center of Indonesia, is surrounded by various ocean basins, including the Flores Sea, Banda Sea, Maluku Sea, Java Sea, and Makassar Strait, as well as various islands such as Kalimantan, Java, Flores, Halmahera, and the southern Philippines. More than half of the original forest has been cleared, and most of the remaining forest has been reduced.
Regards Lestari


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