SESSION: "T4PE" - Realistic edit (Session: Skate Sim v1.0 PC) - part-time ninja

Описание к видео SESSION: "T4PE" - Realistic edit (Session: Skate Sim v1.0 PC) - part-time ninja

SESSION: "T4PE" - Realistic edit (Session: Skate Sim v1.0 PC)

Here's my fourth edit of the series from SESSION v1.0. My goal with these is just to find cool looking spots and to have a good time. Pure self-expression - definitely not going for the hardest tricks or the most flips. Trying to keep it flowing and creative. The reason I enjoy SESSION the most is probably just the fact that you can cruise around and get inspired by some random looking spot. More content coming soon.

Settings are all hardcore with manual catch and all that good stuff. In my opinion, the only way to play the game. THANK YOU for the love!



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