Normandy Landings - Air Force Operation On D-Day - Timeline

Описание к видео Normandy Landings - Air Force Operation On D-Day - Timeline

June 6, 1944, Operation Overlord began. Normandy invasion depended significantly upon the extensive use of air power in virtually all its forms. Without air superiority the invasion of Normandy could not have succeeded, nor would the Allies have been able to follow it with the victorious campaign across France and the Low Countries that brought about Germany’s unconditional surrender.

Allied air superiority on D-Day prevented the Luftwaffe making any effective large scale intrusion over the battle area. This gave the attacking naval and ground forces freedom of action during daylight hours, while the enemy was virtually immobilized because any movement provoked swift attack by fighter-bombers.

The RAF and USAAF flew appromixtedly 15,000 sorties on D-Day in direct support of the invasion. Including heavy bombers and other types that indirectly contributed to the landings, the total of sorties flown between 2100 on D-minus-one to 2100 on D-Day was 25,275.
Although 9,210 aeroplanes were available on the eve of Operation Overlord, the effort by individual fighter pilots and bomber crews was intensive.



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