Cxe Yewaan Roshey - Yawar Abdal

Описание к видео Cxe Yewaan Roshey - Yawar Abdal

i feel very fortunate that i belong to a place where poets like Rasul Mir and singers like Shameema Azad are born.
Thank you Shameema JI for helping us all survive the tough times all these years. Thank you for such wonderful music.

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Poetry: Rasul Mir
Music production, mix and master : Akshay Gaikwad
Cinematography: Habeel Bakshi
In video: Yawar Abdal & Akshay Gaikwad


Cxe Yewaan Roshey Chhukh, Nate, Hoshey Dalaeyo Madano
Be Rivaan Harn'e Cheshman, Sorme Chalaeyo Madano

Are you coming my beloved? Or else, should I lose my senses, my love
Are you coming or should I weep the collyrium off my gazelle eyes, my love

Ashkini Daadi Hyotnam Naar Paanas, Khaak me Gov
Ashkay Aab'nabad Bo galaayoo Madano

Sick of Love, my body on fire, it turns to Ash
My tears dissolve me, like a lump of sugar in water, my love

Mae Nyootham Tchoori Dil Mastoori, Kortham Hoori Kasoor
Badanas Suur Maalayee, Door Chalaeyo Madano

You stole my chaste heart, a fairy I, but now I am spoiled
I shall rub these ashes to my body, and run away, my love.


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