I Am The Voice Of The Future -- Now

Описание к видео I Am The Voice Of The Future -- Now

Sometimes I feel like I am a voice of the future, but really it is the voice of the Present moment Now. It may seem like it's from the future, because most people are not aware of the Present Now yet and what it IS.

It is very different from what our experience is currently because we are living in the mind of duality of future and past. We keep missing the Now!
When we tune into what already IS here Now, it's easy to talk about it and it sounds like some futuristic story or even woo woo.
But it isn't. You'll realize it is more Real than anything else.
We meet every first Tuesday to tune into what people are beginning to Sense outside of their conditioned mind, and it is really helpful for everyone to hear other participants having a similar experience.
You don't need to do this on your own. Feel free to join us next time here and find out more about it https://divinefeminineflow.com/feel-l...
#selflove #newparadigm #matrix #surrendertogod #lightworkers #heavenonearth #newearthparadigm


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