Momentum - Hermione/Loki [Harry Potter;Thor]

Описание к видео Momentum - Hermione/Loki [Harry Potter;Thor]


26 manipulations. No wonder that took forever!

Storyline: The video doesn't go in chronological order, so it might be confusing. Hermione and Loki met while they were young on Asgard and became close friends growing up. When the Frost Giants attempt to retrieve the Casket, Hermione and Loki go to Jotunheim to confront Laufey. Laufey touches Loki as a means of warning him, and all three of them notice that he isn't getting frost bite. When they return to Asgard, Loki confides in Hermione his fear. She attempts to comfort him, but as always, Loki's rage won't allow them to simply talk and discuss what to do. Hermione, worried that Loki's rage could eventually become worse, realizes that their friendship can't last and escapes to Earth. Weeks pass, in which time Thor is banished because Odin doesn't believe he is prepared to be king and Odin himself falls into the Odinsleep. Loki asks Heimdall where Hermione is and uses the Bifröst to travel to Earth. He asks her to return to Asgard, but she refuses. Loki returns defeated, and continues to rule as king while Odin is in the Odinsleep. Wanting to verify his belief that he is a Frost Giant, he goes to the Casket and picks it up. Hermione meanwhile has returned to Asgard, only because she realizes how helpless Loki had seemed and she didn't want him to feel alone. Loki apologizes for his behavior and the two of them return to Jotunheim where Laufey confirms that Loki is his son. Loki, angry with Odin for his deception, offers Odin's life to Laufey. Hermione is horrified at this betrayal, and when they return to Asgard, she asks Loki to bring back Thor. Loki refuses. That night, Loki goes to Hermione's bedroom, wanting to see why she wishes Thor to return. He finds a stack of books on Norse mythology and finds a bookmarked page with his name on it. The last sentence states: "...His quick wit and honey tongue inevitability caused the Aesir to forgive him which left room for his role in engineering the death of the girl he claimed to love." Loki, realizing that this would all occur after Laufey had killed Odin, goes to Earth and begs for Thor's help. Even though he is asking for Thor's help to save Hermione, he still wants the throne and tries to see if he is worthy of it by pulling Mjölnir out of the ground. Although he is angry that it doesn't budge, he realizes he would rather have Hermione than the throne, and so him and Thor go to Jotunheim, where they tell Laufey the deal is off. The Frost Giants fight Loki and Thor, and meanwhile, Laufey gets through the Bifröst, freezes Heimdall and kills Hermione. Loki knows something is wrong, and both him and Thor return to find Hermione dead. Loki leaves Thor's sight and that night, in his anger, he goes to the Bifröst to try to destroy it so that the Frost Giants can never return to Asgard. Thor meanwhile visits the Casket and realizes that it was used - he realizes then that Loki plans to destroy the only transportation between worlds. Thor confronts Loki, who in his anger, zaps Thor through the Bifröst and back to Earth before the Bifröst is completely destroyed. Thor, realizing the Bifröst is gone forever, screams in agony, knowing he will never be able to return to Asgard again.

Song: Momentum by Union Knives

Loki: What am I?
Hermione: We can figure it out.
Loki: If I do, then what? TELL ME? No, no, no....
Hermione: Stop it!
Loki: I'm so sorry.
Laufey: You know not what your actions would unleash.
Loki: The burden of the throne has fallen to me now.
Hermione: It's perfectly simple.
Loki: No. My first command can't be to undo the father's last.
Loki's thought towards Odin: You know it all makes sense now, why you favored Thor all these years. Because no matter how you claimed to love me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard.


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