Ectopic pregnancy signs & symptoms |Ectopic Pregnancy Site|Tubal pregnancy

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Cloudnine Hospital, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow
We often hear the term ectopic pregnancy . Let us understand what it means what are the causes what is the outcome and how do we manage this. Ectopic pregnancy means a pregnancy which is implanting outside of the uterus. And what are the commonest places where it can implant? One is the fallopian tube, second the ovary, third the abdominal cavity but outside of the uterus and fourth is a term called scarring ectopic. Fallopian tube is the tube which connects the ovary to the uterus and is the commonest side for an ectopic to implant the outcome of any of the ectopic pregnancies is that this pregnancy is not able to grow beyond a certain weeks of gestation and results in some or the other complication. So how do we diagnose it early on as soon as the patient misses her period or becomes overdue. She goes ahead and does a urine pregnancy test. In this test there are two pink lines that appear if the patient is pregnant. One which is already labeled as the control line and two which is the test line. If the test line comes a shade lighter than the control line, this raises a suspicion that you could be having an ectopic pregnancy. In that scenario one moves ahead and gets the ultrasound done. If the ultrasound also diagnoses the patient to be having an ectopic pregnancy as in the pregnancy sac is seen in outside the uterus location, then we go ahead and get the beta HCG which is a blood test done and follow it up every 48 hours to see to what extent it is rising or if it is falling. A word of caution on the scar etopic. Scar etopic means that the pregnancy has implanted in the uterus but on the site where the scar of the previous cesarian pregnancy was present this is a very risky condition and can be life-threatening the reason being that as the pregnancy grows this thin out uterine tissue gives way and ruptures leading to torrential bleeding and can risk the life of the patient . How is this managed? Two ways to manage are either we give some medical management in the form of an injection called methotrexate or if the pregnancy has grown beyond a certain limit or the beta HCG levels are higher than a certain limit then we advise the patient to undergo a surgery which is usually done under laparoscopic vision and the pregnancy is removed from the site. The patient is sent back home and followed up thus do not take your overdue menses lightly if you've had an overdue menses test the UPT and get in touch with your doctor immediately. A word of advice, as soon as you miss your periods and take a urine pregnancy test . Do not sit back at home if it comes positive because it may sometimes be an ectopic pregnancy and needs to be ruled out by an ultrasound and by a gynecologist. So visit your doctor as soon as you miss your period and get a up test positive.

What is ectopic pregnancy symptoms | Is ectopic pregnancy detected by urine test |Ectopic pregnancy vs normal pregnancy |What is the meaning of ectopic pregnancy |Why ectopic pregnancy happen |Ectopic pregnancy side effects |How common is ectopic pregnancy |Ectopic pregnancy 5 weeks |6 week ectopic pregnancy |What happens in ectopic pregnancy |What's an ectopic pregnancy



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