Dr Paul Lam | Presentation | Tai Chi for Health | Lifestyle Medicine | 2016

Описание к видео Dr Paul Lam | Presentation | Tai Chi for Health | Lifestyle Medicine | 2016

Synopsis below, I took the opportunity to get the delegates up to try out tai chi before the presentation.

Tai Chi: an ideal evidence-based approach for mental and physical health

• What are Tai Chi for Health programs?
• The evidence
• The reasons for world wide support including CDC, NSW and other state health departments
• Let us try a taste of Tai Chi for Health.

Tai Chi is an ancient art/exercise from China. It has incorporated Chinese Traditional Medicine which is a holistic practice. The entire body, internal and external component is treated as an integral person, with emphasis on the internal part. The slow movements of tai chi make you be more mindful of the present, the smooth movements help to bring serenity to your mind and the continuous flowing movements are like water in the river. It looks gentle but underneath the current there is immense power. Tai chi looks effortless but has immense healing and energizing power.

Tai Chi for Health Programs are modernized tai chi, incorporating modern medical and teaching knowledge to make tai chi easier to learn, more effective for health, safer and accessible. Its built in high adherence makes it one of the best exercises for preventing chronic conditions and promoting health.

Over 500 studies have shown the efficacy of tai chi in many aspect of health improvement including falls prevention, pain relief, reduced hypertension, improvement in anxiety and sleep, reduced cardiovascular risk and many others. As well as a sense of wellbeing generally .

There are over 35 studies showing the Tai Chi for Health programs to be safe and efficacious for health improvement. The Sydney Tai Chi Study for falsl prevention was one of the three studies published at CDC's website. As well as robust scientific evidence, CDC recommends Dr Lam's program because of its high fidelity at dissemination of the program. Tai Chi for Health Institute has established and proven training methods along with extensive training material. Two other key studies will be discussed to illustrate these points. References will be provided on other studies.

All health departments in Australia have funded and implemented the programs in collaboration with Tai Chi for Health Institute. Many health professionals including lifestyle medicine practitioners, physiotherapists and OTs have been working closely with the Institute and respective health departments.

Key advantages for health professionals using Tai Chi for Health programs as a therapy include improving practitioners' own wellness while teaching it, and the time and cost effectiveness because one teacher can treat many clients/patients.

If time allows, questions and "Let's try it" for a taste of Tai Chi for Health so that delegates can experience for themselves the ease and the enjoyment of a few Tai Chi for Health movements.

USA National Center of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
U.S. Administration for Community Living Falls Prevention Grantee
Tai Chi for Arthritis Information and Guidance (The purpose of this document is to provide information and guidance regarding Tai Chi for Arthritis U.S. Administration for Community Living falls prevention grantees.)"…Fidelity in Tai Chi for Arthritis is achieved by the availability of DVDs and text book to review techniques, skill building workshops, instructor support by senior and master trainers, and instructor certification updates every two years."


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