4 Books Every Beginner Entrepreneur Has To Read

Описание к видео 4 Books Every Beginner Entrepreneur Has To Read

Reading is not something I enjoy doing, but here are 4 books that I recommend to every entrepreneur that wants to run their business smarter and generate more revenue.

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0:00 - I hate reading
0:38 - Richest Man In Babylon
2:06 - The 4 Hour Work Week
3:41 - Expert Secrets
5:32 - Rich Dad Poor Dad
6:38 - $1Million In My 20s

Connect with me on social media 👇👇👇
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonpenberth...
Facebook:   / jonpenberthypage  
TikTok: @jonpenberthy
Website: https://www.adclients.com

📖 My 60 Second YouTube Ad Script - https://tubetrafficads.com/the-script...
🎯 Unstoppable YouTube Ads Targeting - https://www.aducated.com/unstoppable?...
💻 The No Pitch Webinar Blueprint - https://expertaccelerator.com/grab?sl...
📝 My Webinar Cheatsheet - https://www.futureofwebinars.com/acce...
📲 The Sales Objection Blocker - https://www.eatrainings.com/objection...

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