【剣士の囁き】Petals and Serenity / Japanese 音の風景

Описание к видео 【剣士の囁き】Petals and Serenity / Japanese 音の風景

Do you want to give your videos an epic touch? Explore our music library and find the perfect sound for your projects. (DRUM AND BASS JUNGLE)


00:00:00 VibeFlow
00:02:08 AuraCrest
00:03:26 CelestDream
00:06:16 TwilightGleam
00:08:03 MystBound
00:09:44 NovaRise
00:10:55 SpiritWave
00:12:19 GlowRealm
00:14:13 LunarArc
00:16:37 SparkEcho
00:19:00 SoulWave
00:20:14 NebulaShine
00:22:24 DawnRay
00:24:17 VeilGlimmer
00:26:07 CrystalArc
00:28:29 StarBreeze
00:29:53 WaveBound
00:32:21 ZenEcho
00:35:09 PulseAura
00:37:18 EchoForge

Your subscription and your like help us bring more content to the channel! .

IMPORTANT: you should not upload the music to other platforms other than YouTube to avoid copyright issues.

you can also suggest in the comments what types of musical genres you want us to bring in the next videos.

#MusicForYouTube #CreateProjects


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