Barbie unboxing & fixing my head swap disaster!

Описание к видео Barbie unboxing & fixing my head swap disaster!

Hi guys,

Originally, this was supposed to be titled "Barbie unboxing & head swap" but things took a turn when it did not go as planned! The head swap was a fail and did not go smoothly!

In this video, I unbox barbie fashionista number 168.. Attempted a head swap with made to move body fashionista number 164 but it was an EPIC fail!! I tried to fix it and I think it went ok lol.

Unfortunately, cannot move the head much but it’s ok! I will eventually do another head swap on a much newer body.

Let me know in the comments below if this has happened to you before?! I am now nervous/scared to do another head swap!

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Follow me on Instagram: @aylasplayland

***Music credit***


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