Life in Bakelalan Highlands Lun Bawang Sarawak Malaysia Borneo Native Village 探索婆罗洲砂拉越巴卡拉兰弄巴湾族原住民部落

Описание к видео Life in Bakelalan Highlands Lun Bawang Sarawak Malaysia Borneo Native Village 探索婆罗洲砂拉越巴卡拉兰弄巴湾族原住民部落

Location : Kampung Long Langai, Ba’kelalan, Limbang Division, Sarawak, Malaysia.

We stayed at Homestay Matius, Long Langai for 4 days. Ba'kelalan is a group of nine villages at Maligan Highlands of Limbang Division, Sarawak about 3,000 feet (910 m) above sea level and 4 km from the border with Indonesian Kalimantan and 150 km from the nearest town of Lawas. The villages are Buduk Nur, Long Langai, Long Lemumut, Long Ritan, Long Rusu, Pa Tawing, Buduk Bui, Buduk Aru and Long Rangat. The villagers here belong to the Lun Bawang tribe. The name Ba’Kelalan is derived from the Kelalan River and Ba’ which means wet lands in the Lun Bawang language. (Wiki)

Bakelalan is basically a rice planting community with the traditional usage of buffaloes to till the land. There was hardly any activity in the fields as the planting season had yet to begin. The seedlings were all standing by in the nurseries waiting to be transferred anytime soon to the open fields and make Bakelalan green again for yet another season.
By the way, folks here only do one cropping a year. After harvesting, the fields lay idle for the buffaloes to graze and the manure produced becomes fertilizer.
Snails are both friend and foe to the farmers here. They nibble away the young paddy shoots but end up on the dining table as food to the farmers.
While clearing the fields, Mrs Matius collected a bagful of these snails for dinner. Never got ourselves to try it though.
Cooking for vegetarians like us for the first time in her life must have been challenging but whatever she came up with in the kitchen everything was fine. Having free ranch duck eggs for breakfast was something new to us. Nice change.
Bakelalan purple rice was awesome. Had so much that we felt bloated the whole time we stayed there. The cool weather here somehow made the appetite good. Most days were cloudy if not drizzling. Showers were very challenging without the heater but Thank God Matius had one installed in one of the shower rooms.
Phone signals were very weak and almost impossible most of the time. To help pass the time we toured the nearby school and walked to Buduk Nur near to the runway.
I imagined the view of the fields would be spectacular before the harvest season. Maybe another trip by road for a change. Next…..Walking to Asang Langai Homestay. (   • Asang Langai Botanical Garden Homesta...  )

Kami tinggal di Homestay Matius, Long Langai selama 4 hari. Ba'kelalan adalah sekumpulan sembilan kampung di Tanah Tinggi Maligan, Bahagian Limbang, Sarawak kira-kira 3,000 kaki (910 m) di atas permukaan laut dan 4 km dari perbatasan dengan Kalimantan Indonesia dan 150 km dari Pekan Lawas yang terdekat. Kampung-kampung tersebut adalah Buduk Nur, Long Langai, Long Lemumut, Long Ritan, Long Rusu, Pa Tawing, Buduk Bui, Buduk Aru dan Long Rangat. Penduduk kampung di sini tergolong dalam Suku Dayak Lun Bawang. Nama Ba’Kelalan berasal dari Sungai Kelalan dan Ba ’yang bermaksud tanah basah dalam bahasa Lun Bawang. (Wiki)

我们在Long Langai的马蒂乌斯民宿住了4天。巴卡拉兰位于砂拉越林梦省的Maligan高地,海拔约3,000英尺(910 m)。距与印尼加里曼丹的边界4公里,距最近的老越镇150公里。 内有9个村庄,这些村庄是Buduk Nur,Long Langai,Long Lemumut,Long Ritan,Long Rusu,Pa Tawing,Buduk Bui,Buduk Aru和Long Rangat。 这里的村民属于弄巴湾族部落。 Ba’Kelalan这个名字源于Kelalan河和Ba’,意思是弄巴湾族语中的湿地。 (维基)

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