Rosalía - Di mi nombre [English lyrics]

Описание к видео Rosalía - Di mi nombre [English lyrics]

I do not own the song, all the rights go to the artist. I only made the translations for the song.

Here is the song:    • ROSALÍA - DI MI NOMBRE (Cap.8: Éxtasis)  


[✨] The translation aren’t not literally, it may confuses you a little so if you have any question ask me.

[🥀] You can request any song for me to translate from the Spanish language and any other language that you want. También tradujo canciones al español, para la gente de habla española, así que podéis pedir lo que queráis.

[👑] A little bit about Rosalía’s album “El mal querer”; This album was her final work for her college, she wrote a story about a girl being mentally abused by her lover and how she escaped from him. The album has 11 chapters, every chapter is a song except the chapter 6, “Preso” which is a “narrative” an important one, check it out. Her entire album is a mix of pop and flamenco, a traditional music from Spain, it’s difficult to understand the songs, they are written like a poem and she is using typical words from the genre which might be odd to people that are not from Spain, more specifically Andalucía.


Rosalía - Di mi nombre | English Lyrics
Rosalía - Di mi nombre | English Lyrics


Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali
Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali
Di mi nombre
Cuando no haya nadie cerca
Cuando no haya nadie cerca
Cuando no haya nadie cerca
Que las cosas
Que las cosas que me dices
Que las cosas que hoy me dices
No salgan por esa puerta
Y átame con tu cabello
A la esquina de tu cama
Que aunque el cabello se rompa
Haré ver que estoy ata'a
Que aunque el cabello se rompa
Haré ver que estoy ata'a (ata'a)
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya
Di mi nombre
Pon tu cuerpo contra el mío
Y haz que lo malo sea bueno
impuro lo bendeci'o
Ya me rezas sobre tu cuerpo
Y en la esquina de tu cama
Y en el último momento
dime mi nombre a la cara
Y en el último momento
dime mi nombre a la cara
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya
Ay, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Ali, Yali ya

#Rosalía #ElMalQuerer


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