How to Harvest Garlic

Описание к видео How to Harvest Garlic

🧄 Let's talk about how to harvest garlic.

🧄 Ideally, Garlic should be harvested when the lower 1/2 of the leaves are dried.

I ended up with a real mixed bag in this crop, some leaves were completely dried and others just had a few dried tips.

Last year, I harvested my garlic in midsummer, but I decided to leave them a little longer this year and I think it paid off because I have some really nicely cloved heads!

If you wait too long to harvest, the outer skin called the tunic, may become loose and their tunics are essential for long term storage.

But I called it right this year: these tunics are nice and tight.

🧄 Garlic grow deep, and I use my trowel to loosen the ground a bit to lift them out just like this.

The roots are quite extensive, so I run the risk of breaking off the necks if I don't loosen them.

🧄 Once harvested, the next step is to dry them, called 'curing'.

I'm using this available bench because it's sheltered and the slats provide good air circulation.

I place the garlic in rows, layering them on each other.

When the soil on them dries, NEVER wash garlic that you want to save, I'll take them downstairs where it is dark, dry, and the temperature overs around 20 C (68-70 F).

It should take 2-3 weeks for the roots, necks, and sheaths around the bulbs to dry.

🧄 I'll keep the best cloves to replant in a few weeks, and the rest I'll enjoy in my kitchen - fresh garlic is so tasty!

If you would like to dig a little deeper into growing garlic, check out my blog called 'How to Grow Garlic in Alberta & on the Prairies'.

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