Madison Montgomery | LWYMMD

Описание к видео Madison Montgomery | LWYMMD

❝I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.❞

I'm really excited by the s8, I mean my two favorites seasons together??????? AND THEY BRING ME BACK THIS BITCH THAT I LOVE so thank you thank you thank you (I hope they won't kill her this time :)))) Although I ruined this video I'm really happy to finish it because it was an unfinished file from the last year so...

And this video is dedicated to all the people who help me the other day with my error with the color in sony vegas so to you ♥


fandom: american horror story
song: lol seriously????
coloring: mysteriousxdarkness

#fanvidfeed #ahs #coven #madisonmontgomery


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