Alternate WW2 Every day-Part 3: The End

Описание к видео Alternate WW2 Every day-Part 3: The End

Alternate WW2 Everyday. This is Part 3. Starting from the invasion of Poland and ending with Peace. Thank you for watching. Feel free to comment if you have any video suggestions for me.

Big Army by Andreas Waldetoft (HOI3)
Kreigsgewitter by Andreas Waldetoft (HOI3)
The Victory of The War by Ender Güney
Operation Barbarossa by Andreas Waldetoft (HOI4)
Rise My Comrades! by Andreas Waldetoft (HOI3)
Second Coming by Kevin MacLeod
Ryno's Theme by Kevin MacLeod

Britain Declares war on Germany (Neville Chamberlain)
Hitler Ridicules the President
We Shall fight on the Beaches (Winston Churchill)
Speech at Krupp Factory 1935 (Adolf Hitler)
Goebbels declares total War (Joseph Goebbels)
Hitler on Stalingrad


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