
Описание к видео Boulevard

I thank Than Ngo for agreeing to do a guitar duet with me. It is the meeting between the old and the new generation. His kindness, his gentleness and his guitar touch are reflected in his way of playing. This is quite simply the reason why I absolutely wanted this duet. I hope others will follow.
Je remercie Than Ngo d'avoir accepté de faire un duo de guitare avec moi. C'est la rencontre entre l'ancienne et la nouvelle génération. Sa gentillesse, sa douceur et son toucher de guitare se retrouvent dans sa manière de jouer. C'est tout simplement la raison pour laquelle je tenais absolument à ce duo. J'espère que d'autres suivront.
This song is the property and copyright of its rightful owner(s). This is a non-profit video made solely for the purpose of study, review or critical analysis purposes only.


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