WEST COAST TRAIL: 5-day backpacking trip on Vancouver Island

Описание к видео WEST COAST TRAIL: 5-day backpacking trip on Vancouver Island

This is a 75 km trail and we spent 5-days hiking through the backcountry. I hope you enjoy coming along on this adventure with my husband Brian and I! From ladders, to suspension bridges, to old growth forests, to tidal pools, and vast sandy beaches, this trail has so much to offer.

The trail passes through the territory of the Huuay-aht, Ditidaht, and Pacheedaht First Nations. Thank you for allowing us to hike through your land and experience this incredibly special landscape.

You can find my complete gear list below.

Thank you so much for watching,

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Other Socials:
IG (Krysta):   / krystanorwick  
TikTok (Krysta):   / krystanorwick_  
IG (Brian):   / briannorwick  

Hiking Outfit:
Altra Trail Runners for hiking shoes: https://bit.ly/43hLIij
Ankle height Smartwool socks: https://bit.ly/45iZ5Rf
Elaho cap by Arc’teryx: (most similar current version https://bit.ly/43jvFAv)
Smartwool sports bra: https://smartwool.ca/en/womens-seamle...
Patagonia underwear: https://bit.ly/41ZOckb
Button down hiking shirt from MEC: https://bit.ly/45mRX6j
Gorp hiking shorts from MEC: https://bit.ly/3oxPuoV

Camp Clothing and Additional Layers:
Wool base layers for sleeping: https://bit.ly/3MNPQkC (bottoms) and https://bit.ly/420bvKM (top)
Toque: https://anianmfg.com/collections/wome...
Wool socks 1 for sleeping, 2 for hiking: https://bit.ly/3Wp4HW5 (sleeping) and https://bit.ly/45iZ5Rf (hiking)
Down pants for sleeping
Light gloves (similar option: https://bit.ly/41VyPcI)
Synthetic down jacket by Arc’teryx: https://arcteryx.com/ca/en/shop/women...
Rainjacket by Arc’teryx: (similar option: https://bit.ly/3MPeXU7)
Rainpants: https://alnk.to/biqw6n3
Camp sandals: https://www.birkenstock.com/ca/arizon...

Tech and Safety:
A headlamp: https://bit.ly/3MLZX9D
Bear spray: https://bit.ly/3q83tCg
Bug spray: https://bit.ly/3OAgyyG
Wallet w/ cash
Kindle e-reader
Battery bank with cords to charge my iPhone and headlamp
inReach mini satellite communication device: https://bit.ly/3q3GcS2
First Aid Kit: https://bit.ly/3MRGjJk

Trowel: (similar option https://bit.ly/3IyE9f8)
Pee cloth by Kula to decrease TP use: https://kulacloth.com/
Sunscreen: https://bit.ly/3WwzUGW
Dental floss
Toilet paper and hand sanitizer
Chapstick daytime with SPF and nighttime

Food, Water, and Cooking:
Bear canister to hold all our food: https://bit.ly/45qAF8d
2x Smartwater bottles (1L)
Sawyer Squeeze Water Filter w/ cleaning supplies
Opinel knife: https://bit.ly/3BQ2Sry
Stove MSR pocket rocket deluxe: https://bit.ly/431GHuD
Fuel: https://bit.ly/3OC27tM
Pot and sporks

Sleep System and Shelter:
Inflatable pillow: https://bit.ly/3MlsKjO
Thermarest sleeping pad: https://bit.ly/43fGpAx
Sleeping bag good to -7C: (similar option: https://bit.ly/3WuA5Cp)
Tent by Durston Gear X-mid 2: https://durstongear.com/product/x-mid-2p

Some of the links shared are affiliate links


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