"Pink Umbrella Riot" In Seattle - Mark Taylor-Canfield

Описание к видео "Pink Umbrella Riot" In Seattle - Mark Taylor-Canfield

Journalist/musician/actor Mark Taylor-Canfield compiled this video and music to memorialize a historic confrontation between police and Seattle protesters demonstrating against the police killing of George Floyd on June 1, 2020. MTC was there to cover the events as a journalist and was tear gassed in Cal Anderson Park near the SPD East Precinct where demonstrators had converged after a peaceful day of protests. The next day, thousands of people showed up again at the same spot on Capitol Hill to express their outrage.

And what caused the "riot" as the SPD called it?

A harmless pink umbrella...

Music: MTC & The Rebel Saints

Mark Taylor-Canfield from Seattle is a weekly guest at The Jeff Santos Show broadcasting from Boston. He blogs at Daily Kos, reports and serves as Contributing Editor for Democracy Watch News and is a guest columnist at The Capitol Hill Times. Jeff Santos Show https://revolutionradionetwork.com

Mark Taylor-Canfield's website:

Mark's Portfolio/Biography posted at this link: http://muckrack.com/mark-taylor-canfield

MTC Blog:

Mark's popular article at Daily Kos:
Bernie Sanders Delegate Dinea Evans Arrested At Congressman McDermott's Office In Seattle

MTC's articles on Wells Fargo @ Truth-out.org:

Independent Journalist/Author/Actor/Artist/Musician

Mark Taylor-Canfield Websites:
  / mtaylorcanfield  
  / mtaylorcanfield  
   / mtctvmedia  
  / mark-taylor-ca.  .

Journalism/Broadcast Media -
Mark Taylor-Canfield has blogged and written articles at HuffingtonPost.com, DailyKos.com, Tuthout.org, OpEdNews.org, Alternet.org, Oximity.com, OpenSalon.com, etc.

His articles and news reports have also been published by:
The Seattle Times, India's First Post, Washington Free Press,
The Tablet, Counter Punch, The Tentacle, The Evergreen, The Canadian, Crosscut, etc.

Mark is a frequent contributor to natl media programs -
Thom Hartmann Program (Free Speech TV), Mike Malloy Show (Atlanta), Jeff Santos Show (Boston), Leslie Marshall Show (Washington, D.C.), Norman Goldman Show (Los Angeles), Nicole Sandler Show (South Florida), etc.

He is a Guest Columnist at The Capitol Hill Times.

Mark is a Contributing Editor for Democracy Watch News, and
Associate Editor of The International Collaborative Media Alliance.

Mark's Youtube channel is called MTC TV Media.

Reporter and former member of the international Steering Committee at Free Speech Radio News, Pacifica Radio Network (http://fsrn.org).

The following news agencies have interviewed him or reported on Mark Taylor-Canfield:
Associated Press, BBC, CBS News, NPR, The Washington Post, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Seattle Times, Los Angeles Times, Capitol Hill Times, Canadian TV News, and other international media.

He edits his own free online newspaper @ paper.li - Global News Feed

Mark is a tireless advocate for freedom of the press.


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