RabbitMQ- Tutorial 11- Routing

Описание к видео RabbitMQ- Tutorial 11- Routing

00:00 - 00:25 - Introduction
00:26 - 00:25 - Routing using the Direct exchange
04:14 - 10:33 - Routing using the Topic exchange

In this video we will dive into more complicated routing examples commonly encountered when using RabbitMQ. The simple pub sub pattern will only get us so far but RabbitMQ allows more flexibility by using the Topic Exchange, Direct Exchange and their features. By combining these exchange types with smart usage of binding and routing keys we can achieve smart routing in our system. This type of routing is often essential to be used in Microservices systems where many services might be interested in the messages we send using RabbitMQ.

This video will give the conceptional overview and theory behind achieving more advanced routing in RabbitMQ using the direct and topic exchanges. In the following videos we will cover the exact implementation of these strategies in both Python and C#.


RabbitMQ is the most widely deployed open source message broker. A message broker is an intermediary computer program module that translates a message from the formal messaging protocol of the sender to the formal messaging protocol of the receiver.

Using RabbitMQ allows us to create a highly decoupled micro services system easily. It can be deployed on many clouds as well as on premise. It comes with many interesting features and is even extendable by the use of plugins.

Check out our Azure Service Fabric Tutorial for developing highly reliable distributed applications:

   • Azure Service Fabric Tutorial  

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