Canyoning in France - Infernet, Quaix-en-Chartreuse, Grenoble, Isère

Описание к видео Canyoning in France - Infernet, Quaix-en-Chartreuse, Grenoble, Isère

The Infernet canyon is short but extremely impressive. From the moment of the first big rappel into the darkness you are continuously in a beautiful, deep, dark, and narrow canyon.
However, this canyon is not without risk. The conditions in the video are low-water conditions. With higher flow this canyon gets exponentially more difficult and dangerous.
After finishing the canyon the way back up is arduous, but it is worth it none the less.

Parking: in Quaix-en-Chartreuse
Ascent: actually a descent, since the canyon is below you at all times. From Quaix-en-Chartreuse head west on the D105A for about 500 m, where a dirt road leads down on the left hand side. Follow this path down. When the path reaches a more open field, cross the field and bear slightly left. You will find the path again, from here on secured with ropes, which will lead you into the canyon. (20 min)
Descent: Deep, dark, narrow, and usually a lot of water. The big rappel has multiple anchor options, if the water level is low, and you don't like free-hanging anchors, the max rappel is almost 35 m. Otherwise about 30 m. (1,5 h)
The way back: After exiting the canyon a path leads up on the right. Steep, and longer than you want it to be, it leads back to the dirt road you took on your way in. (40 min)

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