The Biggest Challenges with Learning to Play Guitar:#1 Fingers Hurt

Описание к видео The Biggest Challenges with Learning to Play Guitar:#1 Fingers Hurt

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Want to talk with me one on one to discuss the things that are holding you back from learning guitar?

Click here to get my free lesson on how to know if it's your guitar that is holding you back and what you can do about it:

Learning to play the guitar can be overwhelming. You start and stop. You put the guitar down. Then you pick it back up again. But you never seem to get anywhere.


One of the first obstacles that new players face is how much their fingers on their left hand hurt when trying to make chord shapes.

This happens to everyone. Your fingers will hurt, but then they will develop callouses. But many never make it that far.

In this video, I show you how it might be your guitar that is causing some of the trouble with a high action.
Click the link below to get a free lesson from The MyPOV Guitar Beginner Course that shows you some fixes for a high action guitar:

I also show you some exercises that you can do for 5-10 minutes a day using some easy to play chords. So you can strengthen your fingers AND make music!!!

0:00-0:40 Intro
0:52-1:00 Book A Call With Me
1:10-4:19 It's Not You, It's Your Guitar
4:35-13:06 Chord Exercises
13:16-13:58 Wrap Up


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