Harami Student & Teacher || Part-1 || The Pk Vines

Описание к видео Harami Student & Teacher || Part-1 || The Pk Vines

Nepal's registered and legal sports news site (only for news)
link - https://1xbatsporting.com

Concept and direction- pawan khatiwada
Artist- pawan khatiwada,Nabeen Thapa, Eshan Raut, Diwakar ghimire, Rambabu regmi, shibu pandey and others
Management- Suman Tiwari
Production- Santosh Sankhar
Camera/edit- Sanam Tamang
.For advertisement - 9800965093

#haramistudent#backbenchers#Myakuri#Pawankhatiwada #NewNepaliVines #ThepkVinesNew #VinesNepali
sakkigoni kanchhi bhunti buhari


Online Supporter :
Bishal Rai (𝑴𝒇𝒖 )

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