There's No "I" in Human: Toward a Posthuman Ethics | Michael Shirzadian | TEDxOhioStateUniversity

Описание к видео There's No "I" in Human: Toward a Posthuman Ethics | Michael Shirzadian | TEDxOhioStateUniversity

Michael teaches rhetoric and writing at Ohio State University. His interest in posthumanism began with his dissatisfaction with liberal humanism, especially with how liberal humanism seems to hold as "ideal" or "privileged" a certain kind of body (white, male, able-bodied) and to exclude others. Michael Shirzadian is a PhD student in Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy. His research orbits contemporary rhetorical theory, disability studies, and critical race theory—especially the ways these areas intersect with the logics of political economy.

Michael is a posthuman—an amalgam of many things, including: American and Iranian culture, caring family members, way too visits to Chipotle, the city of Columbus and its history, anxiety, depression, a mean cocktail of SSRIs, a number of super good friends, the legacies of Christian evangelicalism, racism (esp. after 9/11), too many graduate courses, a kickass partner, a tuxedo cat, a great Pyrenees dog, the excesses of post-structuralist philosophy, and a deep, unwieldy nostalgia. This is a partial list." This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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