Emperor Nero - Ascension to the Throne

Описание к видео Emperor Nero - Ascension to the Throne

I am the emperor who found a twelve year old boy and obligated him to become my new wife by emasculating him and turning him into a woman. I also had relationships with my own mother. Many consider me to be Rome's biggest monster and most brutal leader, and an incestuous deviant. My name is Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, or Emperor Nero for short, and I am the fifth emperor to ascend to this exalted position. Born in 37 CE, in the coastal town of Antium, I inherited the mantle of power from my stepfather, the late Emperor Claudius. My upbringing was marked by intrigue and ambition. My father, Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, passed away when I was but a child, leaving me under the watchful eye of my formidable mother, Julia Agrippina. She, a great-granddaughter of the revered Emperor Augustus, possessed a cunning mind and an unyielding desire for power. It was she who orchestrated my rise to the throne, eliminating rivals and securing my place as the rightful heir.


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