Day 81: Genre-Bending Conflicts (Lessons from The Godfather)

Описание к видео Day 81: Genre-Bending Conflicts (Lessons from The Godfather)

Breakout stories often present the genre in a new way.

That's one of the major storytelling lessons we can learn from The Godfather. In a genre typically rife with action and driven by a strong External Conflict, The Godfather presents a character story driven by the Internal Conflict.

ASSIGNMENT: Write for at least one hour and add 1,000 words or more to your manuscript. Stretch yourself and push hard to do whatever it takes to get to "The End" by the end of the 90-Day Novel Challenge.

FOR FURTHER STUDY: Conflicts are a deep well and deserve more attention than we can give them in this short episodes. To get the background and understand the context of this conversation, check out The Novel Matrix by Brad Pauquette. This #1 Best-selling book is available on Amazon here:

You can also grab your free story planning worksheets at


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