Life story of Buddha | Rise of Buddhism |Buddhist Teachings| Buddhist Literature|Buddhist Philosophy

Описание к видео Life story of Buddha | Rise of Buddhism |Buddhist Teachings| Buddhist Literature|Buddhist Philosophy

Life story of Buddha -- In this episode of Ancient Indian History , I have explained about the story of Gautam Buddha (Siddhart) , and the rise of Buddhism as a religion. The following topics have been covered in this video:
1) Life story of Buddha
a) Four Sights
b) Enlightenment of Buddha
c) Dhamma Chakra Pravartan
d) Establishment of Sanghas
e) Death of Buddha (parinirvana/parinibbana)

2) Rise of Buddhism
a) Hinayana Buddhism ( theravada)
b) Mahayana Buddhism
c) Vajrayana Buddhism
d) spread of Buddhism

3) Buddha's teachings
a) Buddhist philosophy
b) principles of buddhism
c) four noble truths (ariya sachchani)
d) ashtangika marga of buddha (eight fold path buddhism)
e) middle path buddhism

4) Buddhist Literature
a) Canonical Literature ( Pali canon )
b) tripitakas of buddhism
c) sutta pitaka
d) vinaya pitaka
e) abhidhamma pitaka
f) non canonical literature

To read the article about Rise of Buddhism and Jainism :



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