Nakba Day: Freedom for Palestine

Описание к видео Nakba Day: Freedom for Palestine

May 15 marks 76 years of the Palestinian Nakba: a catastrophe - a tragedy of Palestinian dispossession, dehumanisation, death and suffering by the Israeli State supported by the U.K., US, Germany and other Western imperialists. More than 800,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed- brutally forced out of their indigenous homeland and made refugees for generations to come. We grieve for all Palestinian people - including those that have been mercilessly killed in the ongoing genocide in Gaza and continue to suffer under the brutal Israeli occupation.

Also today, at 16:10 CET our @MERA25_de TV Spot as part of our European Election Campaign will be aired on ZDF. Our spot will amplify not only our message, but the story of the Nakba - a story of Palestinian ethnic cleansing and dispossession that has been censored, twisted and erased from Western discourse.

We use this opportunity to tell the story of the Nakba to every single German watching ZDF today. To tell the truth about German complicity in the ethnic cleansing and the genocide of the Palestinian people. We centre the Palestinian narrative and voices in our campaign for Peace, Solidarity and Freedom. We centre the story of Palestinians represented by Ayah- whom the German media have failed, dehumanised and criminalised for 76 years.

On June 9, at the EU elections, let's make our governments pay at the ballot box. Vote for us in Greece, Germany and Italy (MERA25) so that we can call them out and unmask their hypocrisy. More info:

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