PDP1 Computer a Digital Equipment Corporation DEC at the Computer History Museum

Описание к видео PDP1 Computer a Digital Equipment Corporation DEC at the Computer History Museum

PDP1 Digital Equipment Corporation DEC Computer at the
Computer History Museum the only PDP1 operational in
the world and only 3 still exist. I played Starwar! on this PDP1

Thank you - the Computer History Museum and Lyle Bickley for allowing me to make this video.

David's computer Museum & Blog http://www.microcomputermuseum.com

Subscribe to our LCF Group video channel - http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...

Spaccwar! http://www.magnavox-odyssey.com/1962.htm

The visit to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California was insanely great - it was 56 years ago my career in computers started with school at 'Remington Rand Univac' in St. Paul, MN. Much of the old things I worked with long before microcomputers were on display with excellent documentation.

More PDP1 video's
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Lyle Bickley is a volunteer at the museum and is on the PDP1 team. Lyle not only demonstrated the PDP1 but gave us a complete tour of all the displays. The PDP1 is a computer I have never had the opportunity to use or see - the only operational one is at the museum and we were able to play "Spacewar!" on the machine.

From Wikipedia
The design of the PDP-1 was based on the pioneering TX-0 computer, designed and built at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. Benjamin Gurley was the lead engineer on the project.[4] After building the first models in December 1959, the first PDP-1 was delivered to Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) in November 1960,[5][6] and formally accepted the next April.[7] In 1962, DEC donated the engineering prototype PDP-1 to MIT, where it was placed in the room next to its ancestor, the TX-0 computer, which was by then on indefinite loan from Lincoln Laboratory.
PDP1 info http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDP-1

Video produced by the LCF Group consisting of David Larsen KK4WW, Gaynell Larsen KK4WWW and Dee Wallace KG4VMI.. The LCF Group ( 1-540-745-2322 ) We maintain the Floyd Virginia community amateur radio station N4USA and have a small historical microcomputer museum in the Village Green #8 Floyd .

Follow us on twitter   / hobbycomputer  

The LCF Group has developed and maintains the following web sites.
http://www.lcfarticles.com a publishing site with many ham radio stories
http://www.chantillyfarm.com Where we have our annual 'Bluegrass & BBQ' Festival in May and Many other events during the year in Floyd Virginia.
http://www.floydcountyvirginia.org our Floyd VIrginia business directory
http://www.virginiamountainland.com our land for sale by owner web site
http://www.fairs.org all about "Foundation for Amateur International Radio Service" FAIRS N4USA Ham radio station Floyd Virginia. Bugbook ham radio bugbooks


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