
Описание к видео #蔬菜冷凍處理





0:00 開場白
0:21 可以請家中的幫手也學習這個技巧

0:44 第一步。清洗蔬菜。您可以繼續使用平常的清洗方法,比如將蔬菜浸泡在一盆水中30分鐘,然後在流水下沖洗。然後將蔬菜擦乾。或者,您也可以使用臭氧消毒機在浸泡時清除農藥殘留和病毒,然後在流水下沖洗蔬菜。

1:47 第二步。在鍋或大炒鍋中燒開水。

2:18 第三步。將蔬菜汆燙,不要一次全部下入,因為我們需要保持水的溫度處於沸點。只需大約10秒鐘,不要超過。

2:45 第四步。將蔬菜浸泡在盆或冰水中冷卻,以保持它們的翠綠。這步驟需要30秒到一分鐘。

2:55 第五步。將蔬菜放在乾毛巾上,等它們變乾後,放入拉鍊袋或密封袋中,依您的喜好保存。然後將它們放進冷凍庫,完成!


Ozone Machine Links, to kill virus and pesticides:

Hello Everyone, Am demonstrating a Japanese technique in handling veggie into frozen state, to extend their edible live for a month, if keep them properly in the freezer. This technique can shorten your cooking time and enhance flavour. This technique is also ideal for handling ginger, onions, shallots and garlic during summer as these produces easily get rottened because of the heat and humidity in our Asian world. My kids have been using this technique during their time when they are studying abroad. So practical. Worth millions. Love.

This video has subtitles for Chinese, Indonesians, Filipinos and Thai.

Today, quite a number of food logistic workers are locked for quarantine. Leaving us with worries about the supply of fresh veggie into the market. Before starting to give you demo on how to do frozen veggie. Let’s give our blessings and energies to power up our Logistic People and their families. Courage and Wisdom is all we need at this time of our history. So, Stay Strong!

0:00 Intro
0:21 Can refer to your domestic helper to use this technique

0:44 Step 1. Wash our veggies. You can use your normal way to do the cleaning, say, soak them in a basin of water for 30 mins, then, rinse the veggie under running water. And dry them up. Or, you can bring in your Ozone sanitizing machine to clean up the pesticides residue and virus during your soaking time, then, rinse the veggie under running water.

1:47 Step 2. At a saucepan or a big wok, bring the water to a boil.

2:18 Step 3. Blanch your veggie, some some, not all at once, as we need to keep the temperature of the water at boiling point. Just in 10 seconds, max, not more.

2:45 Step 4. Bring your veggie to bath on a basin or ice cold water to cool them and to keep them green. Takes 30 sec to a minute.

2:45 Step 5. Land the veggie on a dry towel, and when dried, keep them in a Ziploc or a sealable bag at your liking. Tuck them into the freezer and Done!


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