Hello Neighbor - Forgotten House | Demo Gameplay

Описание к видео Hello Neighbor - Forgotten House | Demo Gameplay

Today I will be playing the demo of a Hello Neighbor Fan game called The Forgotten House. The game tries to capture the vibe of the Original Old Style and also adds new Mechanics. The Neighbor is a lot more active and the overall atmosphere is surely one of the most unique. The Full Game release will be happening soon and I hope you will enjoy this Demo Gameplay until then!

Hello Neighbor: Forgotten House (Fan-game)- https://gamejolt.com/games/hnft/865941
Made By - pika2014 & Harveyyoyo

Game Description: Hello Neighbor : The Forgotten House is a Hello Neighbor fan-game that wants to bring the mechanics of Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha, Alpha 1 and also other new mechanics all into one fan-game. The story happens in Raven Brooks, in the year 2003, you play in the eyes of Nicky Roth, one of the locals of the town that is curious about the house across from his, other people called it "The Forgotten House", he decides to investigate one night, and it all starts from there. The smart AI makes the game a true battle, as your Neighbor learns from your every mistake, just like Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha, your punishment for getting caught is that he will place traps and cameras in your favorite spots in his house, but also block some doors with chairs to make it harder for you to break into his house.

#helloneighbor #helloneighbor2 #helloneighbormod #gaming #gamingwithack #stealth


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