chasing cars | mark & callie

Описание к видео chasing cars | mark & callie

"...just forget the world..."

I'm actually not sure why I'm uploading this .. probably because I don't have anything else to upload right now. This is actually one of the first GA videos I've done, I just never wanted to upload it because it's so baaaadly edited! But here I am uploading it.

Guess I can't upload anything better right now, so I'm giving you something old instead. BUT at least it's CALLIE! And MARK! And one of my favorite friendships ever! I'll forever love them ♥

song:    • Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol - Cover by...  
fandom: grey's anatomy
friendship: callie torres + mark sloan
coloring: kittykat


Twitter:   / smolderhalderxx  

tumblr account:   / xdelenalovex  


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