Yellowstone's Iconic Bird: The Trumpeter Swan

Описание к видео Yellowstone's Iconic Bird: The Trumpeter Swan

Discover the rich history of trumpeter swans in Yellowstone, a haven celebrated for its unique geothermal wonders and charismatic wildlife.

Explore how this park became a vital refuge for trumpeter swans during a period of perilous decline in the early 20th century, with just 70 known individuals remaining in the continental United States by 1933, a substantial portion of which found sanctuary within Yellowstone's borders.

Uncover the pivotal role of the Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming region in the conservation and restoration efforts of trumpeter swans, offering hope for their future survival.

Journey through the ebbs and flows of swan populations within the park, from their flourishing numbers before the 1960s to the challenges faced in recent decades.

Learn about Yellowstone's proactive conservation strategies and ongoing research endeavors aimed at ensuring the enduring presence of the iconic trumpeter swan within its boundaries.

Our speakers, David Haines and Douglas Smith of the National Park Service at Yellowstone National Park lead this insightful discussion, sharing their expertise and firsthand experiences.

This webinar is an educational program of the Trumpeter Swan Society

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