For Sale E-MU PROTEUS 2000 Sound Module Rackmount only $350.00 SOLD!!!!!!

Описание к видео For Sale E-MU PROTEUS 2000 Sound Module Rackmount only $350.00 SOLD!!!!!!

Plus &40.00 s&h my Paypal MORRISMAN64@HOTMAIL.COM
The Proteus 2000 is the most powerful and versatile sound module created by E-MU, kicking off the new Proteus line. It offers you the unique combination of 128 voice polyphony, an ultra-fast 32-bit processor, extensive real-time controls, 6 analog outputs plus stereo S/PDIF digital out, and built-in dual 24-bit effects. It shipped with the 32MB Composer ROM, the best general purpose soundset in the series, with a little bit of everything.

Technical Specifications
ROM Size: 32MB
Sample Rate/Bitrate: 44.1kHz 16-bit
Presets: 1536 (512 RAM, 1024 ROM)
Instruments: 1173
SIMM Sockets: 4
SuperBEATS Mode: No
Polyphony: 128 Voices
MIDI Channels: 32
Filters: 50 Z-Plane
FX: 76
MIDI Ports: 5
Audio Outs: 6
Digital Outs: S/PDIF

SIMM Code Number: 01
LCD Display Name: CMPSR
Banks: 8 Banks

   • E-mu Proteus 2000 'Composer' Rom Pres...  


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