What can you find in the middle of the desert?

Описание к видео What can you find in the middle of the desert?

We took our cameras, and our drone on old highway 80 towards the Gillespie Dam and Bridge. What seems like a desolate, long highway is actually very interesting if you look carefully.

We found some unusual things like a water ski community in the middle of the desert.; loads of solar farms (Arizona is making a huge commitment to solar). A drive with a gate to nowhere; of course, the now famous Gillespie Dam and Bridge. Did you know that Arizona cliff swallows nest in the half domes of the dam?

We also took our camera below the bridge and found some interesting graffiti art.

Join us as we take a look at all these and more from the street and aerial view points.

0:00 Intro
0:28 Gate to nowhere
0:50 Waterski community
1:03 Solar farm
1:11 Hard working people
1:16 Birds flocking together
1:24 Gillespie Bridge
1:42 Gillespie Dam
2:16 Cliff Swallow mud nests
2:33 Egrets in flight
2:46 Arlington Cattle Company old feed mill
3:21 Co-Op Grill
3:38 Bird's eye view of solar farms
4:08 Bridge graffiti

Time Rider by | e s c p | https://www.escp.space

#drone #solarfarm #gillespsiedam #explorearizona #historic #graffiti #coopgrill #dambreach #arlingtoncattlecompany #nature


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