Q and A with Alistair Begg (Basics 2023)

Описание к видео Q and A with Alistair Begg (Basics 2023)

In this Q and A, Alistair Begg addresses assorted topics related to life and ministry. In serving God’s church, he reminds us, everything is related to the Scriptures—a focus that prevents distraction. Other topics include cultivating pastoral authenticity, how to prioritize grace, leading from the front, and trusting God’s Word to accomplish God’s work.

0:00 Introduction and prayer
3:03 How do you stay singularly focused on preaching and pastoring?
4:50 What does attire convey about the seriousness of preaching?
9:05 Where do you draw a line in the sand of songs that can or cannot be sung at Parkside Church?
11:08 What is one thing you would change about your ministry?
12:01 What are two things you would tell your younger self?
15:10 Should we talk about the Gospel with a “main emphasis”?
17:01 What are some practical ways to deal with pride among pastors?
24:53 How do you and the music team choose worship songs each week?
26:45 If your church leadership deeply wounds your wife, how should you respond?
28:45 Who are some modern authors that you read for sermon prep?
31:44 Why doesn’t the church experience more unity?
35:01 Are there times while you’re preaching when you more clearly feel the Spirit’s presence and power?
41:02 How can pastors faithfully address current issues through expository preaching?
44:05 How do you maintain discipline in your prayer life?
46:50 Which Bible reading plan have you found most beneficial?

Preached: 05/09/23

***Download the series at https://truthforlife.org/resources/se...


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