Driver - Glitches

Описание к видео Driver - Glitches


If you tip a car (probably a police car) over on its side, you can trigger a few glitches by ramming into it:

1) If Car A hits the underside of Car B at the right angle, Car B will be sent flying.
2) If Car A hits the lightbar on the roof of a police car at the right angle, Car A will be sent flying. You can use this glitch to get over the invisible walls surrounding the playing area, or even get on top of some buildings (the buildings you can get to normally and ram into are solid, the ones behind the invisible walls are not).

I activated the invincibility code to make it easier to flip the police cars over without wrecking my own car. And the reason no police cars are bothering me in this video is because once there's a certain number of police cars nearby, wrecked or not, no more police cars will spawn. There are wrecked police cars all over the place in this video.

I discovered these glitches myself, but I'm sure I'm not the first one, as these glitches are quite easy to trigger.


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