Mega Man X Legacy Collection - X Challenge Stage 9 (Hard) & Credits

Описание к видео Mega Man X Legacy Collection - X Challenge Stage 9 (Hard) & Credits

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0:00 9-1: Rainy Turtloid & Spark Mandrill
3:19 9-2: Storm Eagle & Metal Shark Player
6:13 9-3: Dynamo & Gate (Vol. 2)
9:41 9-3: Iris & Double (Vol. 1)
15:00 9-4: The Final Battle

Now comes the parts with a twist. 9-3 on each Volume provides a little bonus action when you're down to 1 boss. First off, this is the first time X actually gets to fight Iris. Regular pellets have no effect on her, it's just charge shots and the saber that damage her, as well as special weapons. Secondly, when Gate or Iris are by themselves, they get some additional help. In Gate's case, Dynamo will return and use his ground slam move, and then leave. Dynamo himself has no hitbox during this so you can just stand inside of him. Iris on the other hand summons Colonel to assist her. Colonel will appear and do his usual attacks. He also does a lot of damage.

But normally, upon beating stage 9-3 you would go straight to credits. But on Hard Mode, there is a bonus. On the results screen, a Warning occurs, and we are taken to another fight. The final battle for the X Challenge is against X and Zero themselves, in their Ultimate and Awakened forms. Now Zero functions similarly to how he did in X5. When on the ground, he will do his Buster + Saber combo. If you're in the air, he will dash towards you, and if you're next to him, he will pound the ground. However, he will now only do this 3 times in a row before going back to the buster. X on the other hand, has a whole new AI, and what he does during his first phase is based on what Zero does. If Zero does his Buster + Saber combo, X is moving around the arena, dashing and jumping at his leisure. If Zero is pounding the ground, X will rapid fire Charge Shots until Zero is finished. But once X reaches below half health, he will start swapping armors, between the Fourth Armor, the Falcon Armor, and the Shadow Armor, the latter two also gives him access to their respective Giga Attacks. The safest place to be in this fight is in the top right corner, as that is the easiest place to avoid their attacks.
However, once either of them are by themselves, they will change tactics. If X is by himself, he will change back to the Ultimate Armor, and will have a perpetual charge at all times, and will start utilizing the X6 weapons. The most prominent being the Yammar Option, as he will almost always have that on him. If you are above him, he will try to use a charged Ray Arrow, and will almost always follow this up with a charged Guard Shell, effectively walling you off to one part of the screen. He can also fire off regular Charge Shots at his leisure.
Now, when Zero is by himself, he will change into Black Zero, and will start utilizing abilities from X4 through 6. Including every variation of his uppercuts and downward stab moves, the proper version of Rakouha, Hyoroga from Blizzard Wolfang, Shippuga if you're close to him, and he will also jump around the room, spinning like a madman with Kuuenzan. Needless to say, good luck in this fight.

But this concludes the X Challenge. You're reward at the end is a wallpaper based on what difficulty you played on. Hard Mode nets you a picture of Iris. But the next time we get a new release will be this October with Mega Man 11. SO until then...who's up for some Super Fighting Robot?

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