JW International Convention in Madrid, Spain 2019 / Asamblea Internacional en Madrid

Описание к видео JW International Convention in Madrid, Spain 2019 / Asamblea Internacional en Madrid

Asamblea internacional "El amor nunca falla."
España, Madrid 2019 Wanda Metropolitano
Video no oficial.

International convention "Love never fails"
Spain, Madrid 2019
Unofficial video
#jw #loveneverfails #elamornuncafalla


¿Puedes escuchar
tantas voces cantar
juntas a tu alrededor?
En sus ojos ves
con total nitidez
la brillante luz del amor.

Иегова дал нам слово:
Любовь не пройдёт!

Love—unfailing love—
That’s what Jehovah gives.
That’s what he is.
Love—unfailing love—
That’s what we need to live.
And the love here today,
In our heart may it stay—
Unfailing love.

Though sometimes it seems
Like the cares of this life
Weigh us down and feel hard to bear,
Giving brings us joy
When we share faith and hope,
Comforted by God’s loving care.

L’amour ne s’éteint jamais,
Il brûlera toujours.

Es puro amor
lo que Jehová nos da,
no fallará.
Es puro amor
lo que yo mostraré,
un amor muy real,
un amor sin final,
no fallará.


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