Getting Through Diagnosis, Surgery & Treatment - Ashley | Brain Cancer | The Patient Story

Описание к видео Getting Through Diagnosis, Surgery & Treatment - Ashley | Brain Cancer | The Patient Story

Ashley had recently graduated college and moved to Arizona to start her career as a teacher. About a month after moving, she had a grand mal seizure out of nowhere. She was taken to the hospital where they ran tests including MRIs and CT scans. Doctors then discovered a large mass in her left temporal lobe which was later determined via biopsy to be a brain tumor.

Prior to the seizure, Ashley did not have any other symptoms or health issues. Since her diagnosis, she's had two recurrences and 3 brain surgeries to try and remove the tumor.

In this story, she shares how she experienced memory deficits, how she's had to adjust to a new way of life and how despite the obstacles she's faced, she's strived to stay positive and hopeful!

Full story & transcript →

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Contents of this video:
00:00 Introduction
01:23 My first symptoms
07:26 Recovering from brain surgery
09:34 Getting the diagnosis
12:31 Processing the diagnosis
16:30 Undergoing treatment
23:12 My cancer recurrence
30:28 My current treatment
32:06 Words of advice

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