Fiverr Tips - How I Identify Fiverr Scammers As a [Fiverr Seller]

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Fiverr Tips - How I Identify Fiverr Scammers as a Fiverr Seller
Fiverr is an amazing platform for freelancers to showcase their skills and land great projects. However, as a Fiverr seller, one of the challenges you may face is identifying and avoiding scammers. Over time, I’ve developed a keen eye for spotting potential fraudsters on the platform. Here's how I do it and tips to help you avoid falling victim to these scams.
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1. Requests for Off-Platform Communication
One of the biggest red flags for me is when buyers insist on communicating outside Fiverr. Whether it’s via email, WhatsApp, or other messaging platforms, this is a violation of Fiverr's terms of service. Scammers use this tactic to avoid Fiverr's payment protection, and once you move the conversation off-platform, you're left vulnerable to fraud.

Tip: Always keep communication within Fiverr. The platform offers protection, and Fiverr support can assist if anything goes wrong.

2. Unrealistic Project Proposals
If a buyer approaches you with a project that sounds too good to be true, trust your instincts. Scammers often offer highly lucrative deals with vague descriptions or ask for services that are outside your usual offerings. They might say something like, "I'll pay you triple your rate," but their intentions may be to lure you in and either not pay at all or try to extort more work.

Tip: Stick to realistic projects and properly vet new buyers by asking for detailed information about their needs.

3. Requesting Free Samples
Another common scam tactic is requesting free samples before agreeing to hire you. While it’s reasonable for a buyer to want to see your past work, asking you to create new, custom samples for free is a warning sign. Scammers collect these free samples without ever intending to pay or hire you.

Tip: Have a portfolio of previous work ready to showcase. Politely decline requests for free custom work unless it’s a common practice in your industry, but even then, set clear boundaries.

4. Large Orders with Complex Requirements
Be wary of buyers who place large orders and seem very demanding right from the start. Scammers often place bulk orders or orders with highly complex requirements, then try to take advantage of Fiverr's cancellation policy by claiming the work doesn’t meet their expectations, requesting refunds after receiving the deliverables.

Tip: Break down large orders into smaller milestones or phases. This gives you the chance to receive partial payment while ensuring the buyer's requests are legitimate.

5. Immediate Offers to Pay Without Discussion
When a buyer instantly offers to pay upfront or doesn’t seem interested in discussing the project’s details, it can be a red flag. These scammers may be setting you up for a chargeback scam after you deliver the work, claiming they didn’t receive what they paid for.

Tip: Always discuss the project thoroughly before accepting payment. This way, you can ensure you're both aligned on expectations and avoid any misunderstandings.

6. Suspicious Buyer Profiles
Before accepting any order, I always check the buyer’s profile. Red flags like a lack of reviews, an incomplete profile, or multiple negative reviews can indicate potential scammers. I especially look out for new buyers with vague profiles or profiles that seem hastily created.

Tip: Take a few minutes to research a buyer’s history. Be cautious if their profile has no information, and if they have a negative track record, you might want to avoid working with them.

7. Sudden Request to Cancel the Order
A buyer who suddenly asks for a cancellation after you’ve delivered the work might be a scammer. They may claim that they’re unhappy with the quality or that they no longer need the service, even though you’ve fulfilled their requirements. This can result in you losing both your time and money.

Tip: Protect yourself by clearly outlining project terms, deliverables, and revision limits from the beginning. If you encounter a suspicious cancellation request, contact Fiverr support for help.



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