Top 5 Milsurp Rifles I’d Keep if I had to Sell My Collection

Описание к видео Top 5 Milsurp Rifles I’d Keep if I had to Sell My Collection

When it comes to military surplus collections, nobody would be inclined to sell. But certain life circumstances could happen and force you to sell your collection or most of it. In this video I go over the top five military surplus rifles. I would keep in my collection if I was forced for some reason to sell, mostly everything. Let me know what you guys think.

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All weapons portrayed in this video were handled in a safe manner. Multiple safety precautions were in place before, during and after filming. Do not attempt this at home. Seek out weapons familiarization training before handling any weapon. We are not financial advisors nor do we give legal financial advice, please talk to your CPA. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Information contained in the content is based from personal experience, opinion, or available on the internet. Gun enthusiasts should read the owners manual and consult a firearms expert to fully understand the weapon. These historical relics and products commonly available in stores all across the United States. Our videos are for entertainment purposes.


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