JoCo Cruise 2024 - Ty Franck - Reading and Q&A

Описание к видео JoCo Cruise 2024 - Ty Franck - Reading and Q&A

Ty Franck reads and answers questions, after polling the audience on what they want from him.

Ty reads Chapter 10 of one of the Patreon books he's working on with Daniel Abraham. It may never be published and likely won't look like this when it is.

1) When you started writing The Expanse, did you have the whole storyline set?
2) How did you decide what was going into the novellas?
3) What are you reading now?
4) (John Scalzi) Can you give tips on how you broke into screenwriting and television?
5) Was there an Expanse tabletop game / MMO?
6) Who's the Tom who you spoke of?
7) Do you have to cut out a lot of content or do you have trouble filling the books?
8) Can you speak about any differences working with SyFy and Amazon?
9) How did you figure out how to work together?
10) What gaming system did you use for your game?
11) What was it like to learn to produce for Hollywood?
12) Did you have anything to do with the casting process?
13) Are you on team Earth or team Mars?
14) Can you talk about adapting characters from your books for TV?
15) How did you decide to name the dog Muskrat?
16) What are the chances that the Expanse gets more seasons?

The "James SA Corey Writes a Novel" can be found at   / jamessacoreywritesanovel  

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