Professional Accountant | 6 Steps to become a successful Accountant || Educare Learn

Описание к видео Professional Accountant | 6 Steps to become a successful Accountant || Educare Learn

Good Book to Read:

ACCOUNTING BASICS- THINK LIKE AN ACCOUNTANT: A non-accountant's guide to accounting, Beginner’s handbook (Accounting for Dummies)

Get this book on Amazon via my affiliate link:

6 Steps to become a successful Accountant:

1. Complete Graduation in Commerce
2. Your Accounting Basics must be Strong
3. Knowledge of Accounting Entries
4. Working knowledge of Accounting software is also necessary
5. Keep updating the knowledge on Taxation matters on Income Tax & GST
6. Start working as a Junior Accountant & Over the years Junior gets promoted as Senior Accountant and so on...

Professional Accountant must be expert and experienced in the below:

#AccountingBasics #AccountingPrinciples #AccountingStandards #FinancialAccounting #FinancialStatements #BalanceSheet #ProfitAndLossAccount #IncomeStatement #FinancialRatios #BankReconciliation #CashFlowStatement #AccountsReceivablesAndAccountsPayables #AgeingAnalysis #CostingAndFinancialManagement #InventoryAccounting #StockStatement #PayrollAccounting #ExpensesManagement #FundFlowStatement #NonProfitAccounting #BusinessInvestmentEvaluation #MergersAndAquisition #IncomeTaxAndGST #ProfessionTax #GoodsAndServicesTaxAct2017 #DirectTaxAndIndirectTaxes #StrategicManagement

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