How to Sing Like Liam Gallagher (Expressive, Changes Over Time) What His Voice Means for Your Voice

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This can be said for every singer in history: They change over time! Our voices are moving targets... Ever evolving in the midst of our changing tastes, influences and physical bodies.

As we listen to our favorite singers with this concept in our minds, we're tempted to point out the negative aspects of what we hear in the 'road worn' voices of our heroes ...And certainly, there are many singers out there who have bullied their once vibrant voices into something barely resembling their former glory.

But there are many vocalists out there (if you know where to look and how to listen) that have become more interesting and seasoned over time while maintaining or even enhancing their emotional and communicative potential of their singing! Enter Liam Gallagher. Starting with Oasis and then moving on to Beady Eyes and eventually his solo stuff, he comes into his own with each new stage of his career ...And "His Own" keeps getting better and better!

Let's break down the different segments of Liam's work, observe the quirks and tendencies of his different stages and be inspired in the very best way: How we can have a long, evolving and positive relationship with our singing!


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