IMI International Peace Day Hybrid Conference Recording, 21 September 2022

Описание к видео IMI International Peace Day Hybrid Conference Recording, 21 September 2022

Mediators have the skillset, mindset and neutrality needed to convene people in a safe space so they can engage in constructive, honest and open communication.

How are they doing this, what opportunities exist or can be created, and what is the road map for more effective utilisation of the incredible human resource that is the mediator?

The first panel of the conference explored mediators’ role in peace-making and peacebuilding. Bearing in mind that lawyers are often instrumental for mediations to be considered and their outcome to be successful, we likewise explored mediation advocacy best practices. The conference rounded off with a panel on the important role mediators can play in enabling Environmental, Social and Governance goals to be met by societies, as well as how they can promote the Green Agenda, by being mindful of the way they practice, and by signing the Mediators Green Pledge.

Welcome Address
IMI Outgoing Chair, Kim Taylor and IMI ED Ivana Ninčić Österle

Panel 1 -Mediation in the Service of a More Peaceful and Just World
Moderator: Tat Lim
– Anna Cervi
– Dr Mark Anstey
– Nita Yawanarajah

Panel 2 - Lawyers as Peacemakers and the Future of Mediation Advocacy
Moderator: Ivana Ninčić Österle
– Pierrick Le Goff, IMI Chair
– Manon Schonewille
– Teresa Garcia-Reyes

Panel 3 - The Mediators' Green Pledge and Mediating Environmental, Social and Governance Issues
Moderator: James South
– Elise Groulx Diggs
– Dr Anna Howard
– Dr Karl Mackie

This event was offered free of charge. Places for the in-person event were allocated on a first come - first served basis, with IMI members and supporters given preference.

This International Mediation Institute event was hosted by CEDR and supported by JAMS.


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