How to Make a Track for Extraterrestrial Contact

Описание к видео How to Make a Track for Extraterrestrial Contact

Interstellar beats. 

How would you compose a track meant to communicate with alien life?

That's the problem that 33 artists had to solve when Sónar Festival asked them to write just 10 seconds of music each, to be sent out as a radio message as part of its 25th birthday celebrations this year.

To find out, we visited participating artist Daedelus at his studio in Los Angeles, where he let us in on the concept behind his track, what production tricks he used and the challenges of fitting it into a tiny eight bytes of audio.

Daedelus will be debuting new live set Panoptes at Sónar Barcelona 2018, a kinetic light show that promises to be one of the festival's highlights. Find tickets and more information at the Sónar website.


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