«Сьюзен и ее дети против бури и дождя»

Описание к видео «Сьюзен и ее дети против бури и дождя»

Susan's story is a story of resistance and determination against adversity. After her husband was kicked out of the house for having too many daughters, she lived in the mountains with her four daughters and one son. Despite the challenges she faced, Susan refused to have her son forcibly taken away by her husband and mother-in-law who visited her every few days.

To ensure her son's safety, Suzanne made the difficult decision to rent a piece of land in the city. However, he was faced with the difficult task of paying the landowner 15 million Iranians every month, an amount he simply could not afford. Desperate for help, Susan turned to viewers for help, and their generosity allowed her to pay her first month's rent on time.

As fate would have it, a strong wind blew and rain poured down on Suzanne and her children, adding to their challenging circumstances. Despite the stormy weather, Susan remained steadfast in her determination to provide a better life for her children and protect her son from harm. Through her strength and the support of others, Suzanne's story stands as a testament to the strength of community and resilience in the face of adversity.



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