How I Make New Habits Stick!

Описание к видео How I Make New Habits Stick!

Building good habits is hard for most people, but it doesn't have to be. In this video I am going to give you 10 tips that have helped me start and build good habits that have actually stuck.

Atomic Habits (book):

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0:00 - Intro
1:33 - Notice and Name
2:22 - Make it easy
3:45 - Remember you are HUMAN
4:25 - Prepare stuff in advance
4:59 - Track your progress
7:52 - Betting on yourself
8:27 - Stacking habits
9:22 - Meditation is a hack

I'm Mike, a content creator that's obsessed with improving his health so that we can all live to the age of 100 while living a vibrant, purposeful, happy life. My objective is to use myself as a guinea pig to explore the best ways to optimize our mind and body, and along the journey share my learnings with lovely people like yourself 😊

If you’d like to talk, I’d love to hear from you. Tweeting @HeyMikeHanna directly will be the quickest way to get a response. I try my best to reply to things but there sadly aren't enough hours in the day to respond to everyone 😭"

📸 Instagram -   / heymikehanna  
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