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【#藥師佛|五路財神|#大黑天法會】 🕉📿 【Medicine Buddha|Five Jambhala |Mahakala Practice】🖤💙 15-12-2024 【#药师佛|五路财神|大黑天法会】喇嘛唱誦 #藥師佛心咒༄༄། སངས་རྒྱས་སྨན་ལྷའི་ཉམས་ལེན་ཆོ་ག། ༑ཛམ་ལྷ་རིགས་ལྔའི་སྒྲུབ་ཐབས་ཆོ་ག།༑མགོན་པོའི་གསོལ་ཁ་རྒྱུན་ཁྱེར་ཆོ་ག།

Please pray for Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche's swift return. 🙏🏻

創古中心 安排Live 直播 12月15日 (星期日) 2:30pm HKT 的藥師佛、五路財神及大黑天瑪哈嘎拉共修,請各位安在家中同步共修。不能回中心的師兄。可參與網絡共修,獲口傳/灌頂的師兄可隨時根據自己的時間參與,因而沒有藉口不修習。共修結束後,大家也可日常念誦修習。條件和環境在變,但大家也可找到修行的着力點體會到藥師佛

We will be live-streaming the Medicine Buddha , Jambhala & Mahakala Practices on Sunday, 15 DEC 2:30PM HKT, visit our Facebook page / Youtube to see us live. To get more updates, LIKE and Follow our Facebook page. We hope you and your families are staying safe and well.

♦️網路共修 Live
👍🏿Facebook:   / live  
🔔Youtube: https://bit.ly/2Tnbkcc
🖥 Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6362558352
Meeting ID:636 255 8352

♦️法本下載 Download prayer book:
藥師佛 Medicine Buddha/五路財神 Jambhala/大黑天金剛儀軌 Mahakala Short Sadhana https://bit.ly/3yQEpjL

1. 幫助治療身體上及情緖上的 #疾病,#抑鬱症 等;
2. 通過 #懺侮,平伏個人累積的惡因;
3. 遠離恐懼與排除障礙
4. 迴遮因四大不調而突發的天災人禍、地震海嘯水火之災害等
5. 眾生離世時- 離苦得樂的必修法門
6. 能鞏固對上師、三寶的虔信心,及堅定證悟成佛的決心。

Under the current situation Medicine Buddha practice is most beneficial remedy in the following:
1. Help in Healing of physical sickness; anxiety and #depression;
2. Purification of accumulated bad #karma through confessions;
3. Help remove obstacles;
4. Help avoid natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, tsunami...chaotic situations.
5. Help relieve the deceased sentient beings from samsara;
6. Build confidence and Strengthen the foundation of accomplishment towards realisation.
Medicine Buddha practice does not just benefit oneself, one’s family and every sentient being in this unsettled planet. Let’s devote one day every week into Medicine Buddha retreat to help HEAL the world!


🕉Facebook Live:  / live  
🕉YouTube Live: https://bit.ly/2Tnbkcc
#MedicineBuddha #GreenTara #Kurukulla #Amitabha #Mahakala #GuruRinpocheTsokOffering #Vajrasattva #GuruYoga #LightOffering #Jambhala.

You can join us on either Facebook Live or YouTube Live. Let’s pray together for everyone in the world to be happy, pray for those who are seriously impacted by this virus and for this pandemic to quickly pass!

Be sure to subscribe to Live notifications to be alerted to our next broadcast! If you missed our live stream you can still view our videos on youtube or facebook
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#藥師佛 #綠度母 #作明佛母 #大黑天 #蓮師三寶薈供 #五路財神 #金剛蕯埵 #上師相應法#網路共修 #法會直播 #創古仁波切 #仁波切 #密宗 #佛教 #薬師仏 #약사불 #藥師琉璃光王如來 #薬師瑠璃光如来 #약사유리광여래 #Thrangu #Rinpoche #Vajrayana #Buddhist


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